Verhuurbedrijven in Zeeland

Rentals in Zeeland

There’s so much available from rental companies in Zeeland. It reduces the hassle of a holiday since, by renting, you don’t have to take everything with you that you’ll need on a day out. So you can discover our landscape out on a rented bike, go terrace hopping on an electric scooter or just go surfing for a day. Anything goes – even the exceptional, on a tuk-tuk or a buggy. More than enough choice.

Sailing options

Sailing options abound in Zeeland. One is to take out a (motorised) sloop (the Dutch ‘sloep’ is typically an open leisure boat, with engine and lounging space). Or sail around, or paddle with a canoe. Enjoy the wind, the water and the wild of Zeeuwse nature out on sail day. Check out the choices here bootverhuur.

Bike rentals

A biking idyll is Zeeland, with its many trails and routes. You can cruise along the dikes with the sea at your side, or breeze through the polders or wend your way in the woods. It comes as no surprise that Zeeland has been nominated as one of the best-rated cycling provinces in the Netherlands in 2022! Another splendid idea is to take a (guided) bike tour in one of our towns. In Middelburg, for example, Beleef Zeeland can help set you up. Your guide has a store of super stories for while you pedal along.

Did you not bring your bike along? No problem: you’ll easily hire one from a local rental store (Zeeuws fietsverhuurbedrijf). Stuck for choice between a regular bike, an e-bike or a mountain bike? The world (of bikes) is your oyster! Enjoy!

Scooter rental

A real must is Zeeland by scooter. Pick your route: over the flowery dikes of Zuid-Beveland or along the water? You’ll discover the wide variety of the Zeeuwse landscape, but don’t forget to pause a while on one of the fine fun terraces of Zeeland.

Nothing like cruising

on an (electric) scooter

Surfboard rental

Heading out for a day of surfing? You can easily rent a surfboard from one of the surf schools here. If you prefer, get some training first. Several of our surf schools will arrange this with experienced surf specialists. We wish you loads of fun out there on the water!

Rent a surfboard or get some surfing training

have a busy day of splashing fun

More rental options

Beyond boats, bikes, mopeds (known in Dutch as scooters) and surfboards you can cast your eyes over many more rentals. Like low-scale fuel-powered bikes (known in Dutch as ‘solexen’), tuk-tuks, buggies and even electric golf-carts and traditional style ‘kick’ scooters. You makes your choice and you takes your pick.

Of course, you can buy add-ons to your rental, to round off your day. Take a tour on a tuk-tuk, with a picnic on the way, top up with some tapas or even binge on a BBQ. Many musts!

From tuk-tuks to buggies

Other rental outlets in Zeeland

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