Zeeland is just bursting with art. Zeeland is an inspirational setting and even today it continues to attract artists and art-lovers. Because of its landscape, the rhythm of the sea and the amazing light, Zeeland is a real draw. Domburg, for example, is the most well-known artists’ village in the Zeeland. An artistic colony developed here from 1870 onwards. Zeeland-based artists continue to keep up with modern times however, and, more and more, we are seeing fantastic graffiti art in many a location. Take, for example the famous watertower in Oostburg, where Johnny Beerens has created surrealistic droplets of water.
Art and culture is well-preserved in Zeeland and exhibited in many splendid ways. Many museums draw on traditional life in Zeeland as a theme, for instance, agriculture, fishing and shipping. The Zeeuws Museum in the historic abbey of Middelburg houses a unique collection of tapestries. And the Maritiem MuZEEum Zeeland in Vlissingen elaborates on its maritime history, amongst others, under admiral Michiel de Ruyter. The largest museum in Zeeland is dedicated to the turbulent years of the Second World War: the Bevrijdingsmuseum in Nieuwdorp.
Zeeland’s historic monuments might also be considered as art, but they also belong to Zeeland’s culture. Middelburg has over 1,100 listed buildings, Zierikzee more than 500 and Hulst no fewer than 68.
Zeeland is land-in-sea, to which its art and culture are closely bound. For examples, its cultural festivals, Film by the Sea and the Zeeland Nazomerfestival. Festival Onderstroom in Vlissingen focuses on street theatre, open-air art and magnificent hospitality, where you can look around to your heart’s content. Up until the middle of the last century, traditional costume was still widely worn in Zeeland. Many local museums show how people used to dress in the past. Did you know that traditional dress differed per island and per locality?