At times it can get pretty rough on the Zeeland coast. Braving the elements can be fun, but not when you’re soaked to the skin. In bad weather, it’s good to have alternatives. And in Zeeland, there’s no shortage of these. In bad weather, there’s always somewhere to stay dry.
Zeeland has an abundance of museums. They bring history to life. Is it raining outside? If so, now is the perfect opportunity to discover one of the many special museums. From historical museums to a chocolate museum: there’s are countless possibilities. There are many museums where kids can have fun too. Take the Goes-Borsele steam preservation line, for example. And we’re pretty sure neither you nor the kids will mind sampling some chocolate at Sjakie's Chocolate Museum ;).
Check out the many fascinating museums in Zeeland.
So, you can’t get outdoors because of the weather? No worries, there are swimming pools and indoor playgrounds aplenty to work off your energy. Zeeland has many different indoor water parks and pools, such as the Roompot Beach Resort. The indoor playground at Klok'uus will almost have you believing you’re playing in a huge barn. And if the weather takes a turn for the better, you can play outside here.
Stuck indoors but nowhere to get rid of all that adrenaline? We have the answer! Try out a go-kart at Karting Zeeland and make those tyres squeal. Or ski down the piste at Snow World in Terneuzen. No fear of heights? If so, why not take a sightseeing flight and discover Zeeland’s delights from the air?
For the fanatics, there’s all sorts of fun games you can play indoors. For example, there’s ten-pin bowling at De Parel or crazy golf at Glowgolf in Middelburg, where there are glow-in-the-dark elephants, tigers and monkeys. Or you can look for a way out of one of Zeeland’s escape rooms which each tell their own story. You can even try out your shooting skills with some laser-tagging.