About this location

The abbey in Middelburg was founded by monks from Flanders in around 1100. The monastery acquired enormous riches and the abbot ranked amongst the most powerful and most influential figures in Zeeland. After the town was captured by the Prince of Orange in 1574, the monastery was dissolved. With the exception of the churches, the complex came into use as the headquarters of the States of Zeeland, which has continued to the present day. Today, the abbey complex consists of the Nieuwe Kerk, the Wandelkerk, the Koorkerk, the Zeeuws Museum and the Abdijtoren, the tower known as Lange Jan, literally ‘Long John’. The abbey complex is one of a kind and definitely worth a visit.

You can book a guided tours in the abbey complex on this site: https://www.zeeuwsmuseum.nl/nl/plan-je-bezoek/boek-je-bezoek 

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4331 BK

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