Local produce of West Zeeland-Flanders
A tasteful culture is full of tastes. Sweet and salty, from land and sea. Pamper yourself with our local produce, taste them and admire the places whence they come. All around you, good land, good taste.
Our beans are brown
We’re so proud of our ‘Hollandse bruinen bonen’ that we eat most of them ourselves. They’re grown mainly in West Zeeland-Flanders, with our soils and our ample sunshine – bring it on! Known as ‘haricots rouges’ in French, these legumes belong to the Phaseoulus vulgaris family, akin to pinto or kidney beans. Sown in May, harvested in September, savoured year-round.


Apple juice

Cheers, Jantje van Sluis

Eat your cake
Anyone fancy a gateau of gruel from Groese, a ‘paptoart’n’? Actually, our iconic tart of dough with a custardy-gruel filling, smothered in brown sugar, will have you coming back for another! Way back when, local small farmers were treated to a paptaart after paying their tithe to the landowners.

The sea aster family
A specialty with fish dishes and beyond, sea aster, aka marsh samphire, grows phenomenally well in West Zeeland-Flanders, on sea-washed river banks. Hence its briny flavour. Mind you, it does need sweet rain water to germinate. A rainy early spring augurs a great harvest – from mid-May to mid-September.