Sustainable female fashion
Shop away in a rich diversity of shops along shopping streets lined with historic buildings. It’s what we do: We Goes Shopping. (The Dutch version is pronounced much like ‘goose’, whence the pre-medieval name comes, but with a soft ‘g’.) You’ll find national brand outlets adjoining nice and distinctive local boutiques. The weekly markets are a proper picture of various traders and stalls cosying up.
Go meandering along the shopping streets of Goes, their properties housed in historic buildings. Small boutiques alternate their presence with that of chain stores. And, talk of alternating, make time to chill out at a nice terrace or café – Goes has lots of them, such as on the Grote Markt.
If you’re looking for home accessories or DIY items, go to the string of outlets on the Marconistraat, near the station and town centre.
The public markets are twice-weekly on the Grote Markt in Goes, from 9:00 tot 16:00. You’ll find all sorts of fresh fruit and veg and fish, as well as clothing, decorations and various trinkets.
It’s no surprise that Goes is renowned as a genuine fashion capital modestad. No less than 35 of the best known brands are to be found in Goes. Perfect place to enhance your new wardrobe.
The shops in Goes are open on Mondays from 13.00 to 18.00; on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9.00 to 18.00, Thursdays from 9.00 to 21.00 and Saturdays from 9.00 to 17.00. What’s more, on the last Sunday of the month, you’ll spend even more time down town: it’s Sunday openings hours (typically from 12:00 to 17:00)! Koopzondag!