Frequently asked questions
What are the current measures in Zeeland for COVID-19 and related viruses? How do they affect my interest in visiting Zeeland?
Please visit our special dedicated and updated pages about COVID-19, and all relevant questions and answers.
Where is the VVV Zeeland website?
The body Stichting VVV Zeeland was dissolved effective 1 January 2021. Some of its former marketing activities have been assumed by the Province of Zeeland (Provincie Zeeland). Thus the former website vvvzeeland.nl has been absorbed into Zeeland.com/visit where it hosts ample inspiration and more for a visit to Zeeland. Some previously appreciated functionality has been modified.
How can I enquire about or book accommodation?
You’ll find a wide range of accommodation options on Zeeland.com/visit. Use the filters on the left of the screen to focus your enquiry. Clicking on an interesting accommodation will display the relevant contact details and website for making a direct booking or enquiry. This could be done through a number of booking platforms. The former facility to reserve or book accommodation through the VVV website or at an office of a VVV Inspiration Point is no longer available, following the dissolution of VVV Zeeland on 1 January 2021.
Where can I find the VVV Inspiration Points? And where can I go locally for tourist information and queries?
Following the dissolution of VVV Zeeland on 1 January 2021, the former VVV Inspiration Points are closed for good. It is expected that a number of physically-accessible tourist information points will open in several areas of Zeeland, in a variety of forms. Watch this space, indeed. You can find an updated overview including contact details. Online, you will find more inspiration and information at Zeeland.com/visit
Where is the Zeeland App?
The app is no longer available – all residual links will be removed as soon as possible. Ideas galore are on Zeeland.com/visit.
I want to get route maps for walking or cycling
Choice a-plenty at accommodation providers, fietscafé’s, local tourist information points, local bookstores, ANWB shops and travel agents and more. You won’t need a special map to find them!
How can I rent a beach cabin hut?
Yes, dreams do come true. By the hour, the day, the week. Sunset to sunset. Many locations available. Check out local providers, and enquire and book directly.
To obtain brochures, guides and folders on Zeeland – what now? Can you send me some?
No. Zeeland Visit is now solely digital, with a wealth of help at Zeeland.com/visit
We neither publish nor stock physical materials – but do graze away in the local tourist information points. They do.