Taking your dog to the beach
Walking your dog on the beach

Walking your dog on the beach

Taking your dog for a walk on the beach is one of life’s pleasures. Dogs just love sniffing the salty air, burying their noses in the sand and shaking out their coats in the wind. With their wide-open spaces and proximity to nature, Zeeland’s beaches are ideal for walking the dog. Below we have listed just some of the beaches where dogs are welcome.

Dog-friendly beaches in Zeeland

Dogs are welcome on beaches throughout Zeeland. For example, in Schouwen-Duiveland, there’s a beach to the south of Brouwersdam where dogs are free to roam. The beach at Westerschouwen in Burgh-Haamstede is another one which is great for dog walking.

In Walcheren, there are dog-friendly beaches at Mantelinge and Noordduine near Domburg and Noordzeestrand in Zoutelande. Other beaches for dog walking include those at Vrouwenpolder and the Ritthemse strand in Vlissingen.

Beaches in Zeeland-Flanders which welcome dogs include those in Cadzand and Groede Bad. Check permitted times when dogs are allowed on the beaches. These can differ per beach.

Your dog is welcome here!

Dog-friendly beaches in Zeeland

Dog-friendly beach pavilions

Of course, after an enervating walk with your four-footed companion on the beach, you might want to catch your breath in one of Zeeland’s many beach pavilions, perhaps with a mug of hot chocolate and a ‘bolus’, Zeeland’s famous pastry. Most beach pavilions provide a warm welcome for dogs. Often, you’ll find a bowl of water just waiting for the dog when you arrive. Just make sure your dog is on the lead and he stays well-behaved! Read about the best dog-friendly beach pavilions in Zeeland in our blog.

Walking your dog in the dunes

In the dunes at Hoogduin near Domburg and in the forestry reserves at Westhoven and Berkenbosch near Oostkapelle, dogs are more than welcome, as long as they remain on the lead. We’d definitely recommend these places to all walking enthusiasts! The magnificent forest, with its sandy soils is home to squat, crooked and moss-covered trees and an undergrowth of ferns.

Information boards

There are information boards at the access points to all beaches. These will tell you if your dog is welcome to play on the beach or not.

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