Zeeland ferries

Zeeland is a legendary land of ‘the other side’. Best enjoyed without taking a massive detour around on your bike or by foot. The answer is to take a Zeeuwse ferry. In the summer season, a variety of ferries runs in the province. Just step aboard for a smooth and, above all, pleasant, trip. A great way to break your journey on wheels or walking.

Ultimate vacation feeling

Way back, there were more than a hundred ferries in Zeeland. For many people they were the only link available between their island and the rest of the Netherlands. Nowadays most have become obsolete thanks to a network of dams, bridges and tunnels which have unlocked our islands.

A handful of ferries still ply their routes, to transfer cyclists and pedestrians to the other side. Otherwise it would take hours to reach the other side passing through the ‘mainland’. Furthermore, a crossing on a ferry engenders an ultimate vacation feeling. With these bike ferries, you can avoid some long, straight and windy routes.

In earlier days

Some of the ferries still sailing today date from the early 20th century. Then they fulfilled twin roles als a ferry and a cargo boat. Now they cross-cross the province, transporting you from, for example, Noord-Beveland to Sint Philipsland, from Zeeuws-Vlaanderen to Walcheren or from Zuid-Beveland to Tholen.

Planning a route

You can plot your own route between the ferries’ starting points, based on the cycle route network (fietsroutenetwerk), and even creating a multi-day routing.


Do check out the wind forecast before setting out on your route. Some ferries are withdrawn from service if the wind is (too) strong, so do check out wind directions. If you’re planning to cross over a dam or a bridge, be sure to have the wind in your back. Makes quite a difference if you don’t need to cycle into the headwind.

On your way in Zeeland!

Handy tips for when you’re en route


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