Network of footpaths Past Lines and Streams
A battle of water
Land that is now polder was once shaped by the lengthy inlets of the sea. That same sea is the architect, in a manner, of all of Zeeland. Many a battle between man and sea, many a line in the sand was drawn, only to be washed away by yet more waves. The streams and lakes of Eastern Zeeland-Flanders are, by and large, remnants of those inlets, and if not, the result of inundations. The Orange-sympatico State troops intentionally flooded nearly 75 percent of Zeeland-Flanders, as part of their campaign against the Spanish forces.
The water at Axel was an enormous obstacle for the Allied Forces, keen to liberate the land at the close of WWII. Now, though, all this water is at peace, and you will love the soulful stroll through these watery fragments of nature.

Lines of walks

Unlike anywhere else: the Drowned Land of Saeftinghe nature reserve

Go along the Hulst ramparts