It melts in your mouth
Our Number One candy is the Zeeuwse boterbabbelaar – it’s our version of butterscotch. The name means ‘the buttery chatterbox of Zeeland’ which was because visitors took a long time to let it melt in their mouth, when offered them with a (second) cup of tea of coffee. The longer they stayed, the more they would ‘babbelen’ – chatter.
Make your own

A disappearing craft
Some cooks made this their cottage industry, adding cacao, cinnamon and chipped peanuts and passing on their recipe, mother to daughter. Few people make their own babbelaars these days, but they still pop one in their mouth.

In the can
Some people, oftentimes merchants, make the candy for fêtes and folkloric events. You’ll find them in souvenir shops, usually in a blue tin decorated with people in traditional dress. And in old-fashioned sweetshops, such as Oma’s Snoepwinkel in Veere. Oma, you guessed, is Granny.