Schouwen is an island where nature and history are inextricably linked. The land has been forever scarred by the battle against water. This route will teach you how Zeeland ultimately emerged from those brutal waves. This route (53 km) is testament to Schouwen and its perpetual battle against the sea.
Over old dikes you’ll go, past forgotten farming harbours and natural marshes. Never far from the Oosterschelde water. You will pass several lookout points, including the Plompe Toren, a monument to the drowned village of Koudekerke.
When the Delta Works were constructed, much of the tidal sweep beyond the dikes was lost. To regain some of what disappeared, the so-called Plan Tureluur was coined, for large-scale natural reconstruction. Its outcome: the Prunjepolder, a silted area teeming with water fowl and grassland birds.